Cancer Investigation

Quality of life and toxicity of stereotactic radiotherapy in pancreatic tumors: a case series.

Cancer Invest. 2011 Feb;30(2):149-55.

Macchia G, Morganti AG, Cilla S, Ippolito E, Massaccesi M, Picardi V, Mattiucci GC, Bonomo P, Tambaro R, Pacelli F, Piermattei A, De Spirito M, Valentini V, Cellini N, Deodato F.

Radiotherapy Unit, Fondazione di Ricerca e Cura Giovanni Paolo II, Università-Cattolica, Campobasso, Italy.

To analyze the results of extracranial stereotactic radiotherapy (ESRT) experience in pancreatic cancer patients.

Four noncoplanar fixed beams were used in all patients.

Analysis of 16 patients was carried out. Overall response rate was 56.2%. Fifteen patients experienced local and/or distant progression of disease (median follow-up: 24 months). Two-year local progression-free, distant progression-free, and overall survivals were 85.7%, 58.7%, and 50.0%, respectively. Toxicity was less than grade 2 in all, although 1 patient had severe duodenal bleeding. Quality of life scores were unchanged.

ESRT was associated with low complication rate, and not worsening the patients’ quality of life.